Monday, August 22, 2005

Mr. Buns

He's the type of House Guest that has no intention of leaving. And even though he eats constantly, I wouldn't have it any other way.

I call him Mr. Buns and he's about the size of my husband's fist. I first saw him 5 days ago on the edge of the property. He was lounging in the grass...just grazing. On day three, I decided to take a closer look. When he saw me coming, he tucked his ears in and hunched down low. He stayed frozen in place for 10 minutes.

I couldn't help but relate to his natural instinct to Hunker Down. For the last two years, crisis after crisis has hit my family. At one point, I too hunkered down, hoping the danger would pass. It took quite a long time for that to happen, and I was frozen in fear the entire time. Stagnation set-in but the danger was ever-present and I simply couldn't face it straight one.

I can't allow the fear to shut me down forever, so I am getting out more, establishing new relationships and answering the phone when it rings.

Mr. Buns was outside on the grass again this morning, and I couldn't help but feel compassion when I saw him. He's got a hard life having to forrage for food, brave the winter snow storms and outrun the resident hawk. So I will be his Enabler and give him all of the petunias that he can eat. Because he's courageous in the midst of constant danger, and I respect that.