Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Favorite Shot

I love this photo. It talks to me.

Husband saw it last night and bluted out, "It's like magazine quality!" This is a compliment, just like when he sits down to a full, country breakfast and proclaims with excitement, "This is like a $15.00 restaurant meal!" Uh. Okay. Thanks, honey. (It's a bad thing when restaurant cooking becomes the ideal standard, don't you think?)

But I digress.

My plan is to create a website so I can start selling my jewelry items direct to the customer. I recently purchased one of these and it's made a huge difference. Suddenly, the flash on my camera provides enough lighting and the background fades into nothingness when the photo is taken from a slighter farther distance than the one depicted above. It really is true that having the proper tools makes all the difference in the world.

Ah, well. Time to retreat down to the studio in the basement to make more stuff. Have a good one.