I have to work tomorrow. From 9am to 7pm. On top of that, I have to drive 2 hours each way to get to the venue of the event that I have to staff.
There was a time in my life when I wouldn't have thought twice about working long hours plus on the weekend. I was career-driven. I wanted to be Successful and Respected.
Then I learned that success has very little to do with what one does in the office. It's about how one manages the important decisions in life.
- Do I do The Right Thing even when the alternative is more alluring, easier, or promises anonymity.
- Do I invest in others - spiritually, emotionally and intellectually.
- Do I treat people well and give of myself.
I stayed in sales management because I had something to prove. To myself, to others (who really weren't even watching)...to anyone who would pay notice. I wanted to prove that I was effective. That my contributions were a cut above...award-winning...and better than the average bear. I wanted to be promoted and regaled and financially rewarded.
The problem is that once you accomplish all of this...you feel compelled to keep going. Until you're left tired and spent. Until the mojo meter is running on empty.
Sure, I have arrived...now I have to do the time. As in, all day tomorrow and all day next Saturday. During the week my parents move into their new assisted care living facility, which alone has added enough drama in my life to keep me teetering on The Edge.
I never wanted to work this hard. But I don't know any other way...though there really needs to be a limit. Fourteen-plus hours on a Sunday shouldn't be compulsory.