Saturday, March 05, 2005

These are a few of my Favorite Things

I spent most of the day in the hospital with my mom. The antibiotic blasts have been helping. She won't get out anytime soon...but she's talking and eating small bites of food. I'm home now, tying to keep my mind off the pain and fear. So I've decided to focus on some of the cool things that I enjoy.

1. This is a tradition for us. It's magical and fun and inspiring. We typically see it in San Francisco or San Jose, though I hope to go to Walt Disney World soon.

2. I swear, I could drink this from a's so good.

3. This is my new thing. I ordered the dvd's...and received them the next day. How'd they do that?

4. I have asked for these for our upcoming anniversary. If you like to color/make art, these are the Best.

5. I'm overdue for one of these and I love Sundance. What a great combo.