I am a stay-at-home mom with a trillion things on my mind. For example:
Our OT has recommended that we do a swallow test on Baby Boy because he is complete stalled in the eating department. He'll take little, mini-bites of Lorna Doones, Ritz crackers, graham crackers, etc., but he won't take anything that has a thick-liquid consistency like applesauce or pureed fruit. He is now holding his own bottle (finally!), but he won't take his formula in a sippy cup.
My house is falling apart in front of my eyes. It's only 10 years old and all of the windows leak. Plus, we recently discovered that we are situated on shifting soil, hence the multiple cracks in the walls upstairs, downstairs and way downstairs plus the floors squeak on every.single.level. It wakes the baby up every time I try to tiptoe into his room to check on him. I am beside myself over this one. I cannot even begin to think about how this will affect our resell value one day.
Husband has decided to consider making a career transition. At one of the worst possible times in recent employment history. We're gonna need prayers, high-fives, anything that we can get for some help on this one because he wants to move into a new field.
I saw my doctor last week - had an ultrasound - and was told that she'd call me with a surgery recommendation within 3 days (i.e. total H or partial H). It's been 7 days total so far and I haven't heard a peep. I am jumping out of my skin with worry.
Husband's dad has not improved and remains in the rehab facility on a vent. The doctors do not have any additional ideas on how to help him recover and get out of bed.
Two cats are locked downstairs because they are they are the weasels that have been peeing in the baby's hamper and toy baskets. Tonight, I start giving them kitty Prozac. Yes, this is in addition to the two shots, three pills, five eyedrops and liquid antibiotic that I am giving to the Siamese on a daily basis. I love my animals, but I'm ready to snap. Their caretaking needs have surpassed my level of willingness. It doesn't help that I was wasting my time and money on all of the meds that I dispensed to the Siamese over the last year. It cost me a small fortune and now he has diabetes. Damn, I'm still bitter about this.
Life continues to roll along with intense drama and heartache. I'll try to post a list of the things that I am grateful for tomorrow because there certainly are good things going on right now too. I'm just freshly cranky over the extent of water damage done to our window casings & shutters per the window guy who came out to the house today.